Sustainability | Make Your Clothes Last

Sustainable fashion is on the rise and with the current climate emergency it's for good reason too. We all have to do our bit to be a little more eco, whether it's remembering your re-usable carrier bags on your weekly shop or becoming more vigilant with the recycling, but one other thing to bear in mind is the clothes you wear. It's all about making small yet significant changes to your relationship with clothing and in turn offering a helping hand to the planet. Here are a few ways you can cut down on your carbon footprint with your clothing.


T I M E L E S S  P I E C E S

Invest in pieces which you know will stand the test of time and keep coming back into fashion. Tweed is a fabric which will always have a place in the fashion industry, some seasons more than others but living in the cool climes of the UK you're more than likely to get the wear out of a cosy high quality tweed blazer. Even if your wallet does take a bit of a hit, if you take into account the amount of times you'll wear it, it's more than worth it. 


L O V E  &  C A R E

Your clothes are what you spend your hard earned money on so it's only right that you take good care of them, especially your durable staple pieces. They may be naturally long-lasting but they do require a certain amount of human effort to keep them looking pristine. A few key things to bear in mind with your tailored pieces is to keep dry cleaning to a minimum and hang them on good quality wooden hangers. You can read our full blog post on how to care for your suit here.


D O N A T E   U N W A N T E D  P I E C E S

If you've been hitting the gym and you can no longer fit into your three piece, don't throw it away, scout out your local charity shop. Not only does this help you free up some space but it also helps others be more sustainable who will eventually invest in your once loved pieces, and not to mention the charities which will benefit. You'll also find charity clothing banks dotted around, most likely in supermarket car parks so you can donate your old clothes whilst getting the weekly shop (hopefully with your re-usable bags), eco-warrior alert! 


M A K E  D O  A N D  M E N D

An old age philosophy which we can learn a thing or two from today. There will be times when you've worn your favourite staple pieces so much that they are nearing the end of their life. In cases like these add a few more years onto them by getting crafty with a needle and thread. Unlike war times, it's easy to do in this day and age when youtube will have a tutorial for anything and everything so there's no excuses! If you can't get your head around textiles, pay to get it repaired by your local seamstress. Either way, you won't have to part with your favourite items as soon as you think.