Wedding Toasts: How To Write A Father Of The Bride Speech

You’ve walked your daughter down the aisle, and have just watched her marry the love of her life – now it’s time to make your father of the bride speech. This is such a big day, full of love and happiness, and a brilliant father of the bride speech can make or break the evening (so no pressure!).

But, there is probably a lot you want to say – and you’re likely wondering ‘how can I condense years of pride and affection into a short but great father of the bride speech?’ Never fear, we’ve got loads of useful tips and tricks to make your toast the cherry on top of an already amazing day.

What should you include in a father of the bride speech?

With loads of memories and stories about your daughter (and her partner) that you could share, getting your ideas on paper is the hard part. But, there are a few core elements that are always included in all the best father of the bride speeches that can give you somewhere to start writing.

We’ve even put our suggestions in an order for you to follow – consider this a father of the bride template from us to you!

Start by thanking the guests

It’s pretty standard practice to thank your guests for attending during a father of the bride speech. Whether the wedding is for 20 or 200 people, everyone has made an effort to be there, so you should take some time to recognise that in your speech.

Of course, while you can thank the wider guestlist more generally, make sure to call out certain people by name. These include your daughter and her new spouse, your partner, your new in-laws, bridesmaids and groomsmen, and other close family members involved in the wedding – basically everyone that has been a key contributor to making the day a success.

We recommend starting your speech with any thanks, but keep it fairly short. You don’t want to bore your audience before you’ve properly begun your father of the bride speech.

Praise your daughter and the person she has become

As the father of the bride, your speech is a time for sharing stories and memories of your daughter. From when she was born and her childhood, to stories of her as she grew, this is the time to share silly memories and tell everyone how proud you are of her.

Stuck for ideas? We suggest picking out some of your favourite qualities of your daughter to share with the wedding crowd. This is your time to be honest and make your father of the bride speech unique. Everyone can say a bride is beautiful, or funny – you don’t want people to think that you’ve copied some random father of the bride speech off of the internet. 

Instead, you have insight into the woman she is, (who she really is), so share something quirky and original to tailor your father of the bride speech specifically for her.

Maybe you’re proud of how much she cares about family, her determination and ambition, or even that she can recite a specific scene of her favourite film! Whatever you choose, make sure to keep it light, positive, and personal to celebrate her on one of the biggest days of her life. Aim to have people laughing and crying in equal measure – and don’t be afraid to shed a tear yourself.

Share memories of the couple

Of course, the day isn’t just about your daughter – it’s also about her partner. So, make sure you spend some time talking about the new member of your family. This could be with funny stories about how they met, the early days of their relationship and how you felt on meeting them for the first time, or stories from the present.

Like with your daughter, make sure they know you’re proud of the person she has chosen to spend her life with. Remember, you’re not losing your daughter to someone, you’re gaining more family!

We suggest spending most of your time talking about your daughter and her partner on their wedding day – that way you’ll have the rest of the wedding party eating out your hands with an emotional, funny, and brilliant father of the bride speech.

Give some words of wisdom or advice

Whether it’s a quip about dealing with some habits of your daughter, or how to make her favourite treat, the best father of the bride speeches always have some advice for the couple.

Some lighthearted teasing and funny advice is bound to get some laughs, and you can then switch the tone with some more serious words of wisdom for the happy couple. Offering some tips about marriage, or even just reminding the couple that they can always come to you for help and advice, is a great way to start rounding off your father of the bride speech.

End with a toast to the happy couple

Now you’ve done the hard part – but don’t forget you want to end strong. That’s why you should finish off your father of the bride speech with a heartfelt toast to the newlyweds. This is the time to round up everything you’ve said, (maybe slip in one last joke), and raise a glass to your wonderful daughter and her new partner. 

Then it’s time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of the celebration safe in the knowledge that you delivered a brilliant father of the bride speech.

Things to remember

Using our father of the bride speech template above is a surefire way to make sure your speech stands out and makes the best impression on the other wedding guests. But, we do have a little more advice for you…

    • Introduce yourself: make sure everyone knows who you are before you get into your father of the bride speech. Remember to introduce yourself, and even slip in a small joke to help you (and the crowd) relax.
    • Do NOT embarrass your daughter: this is her wedding day, so maybe keep some of the more embarrassing stories for another occasion. We’re not saying you shouldn’t include some funny stories, but make sure they’re ones she will laugh along with as well.
  • Don’t force funny: peppering your father of the bride speech with some jokes is one thing – but don’t try to shoehorn jokes in for the sake of it. Stories and memories will tend to get some laughs anyway, which will make your speech feel much more natural.
      • Speak from the heart: part of writing the best father of the bride speeches means speaking from the heart. Be honest and genuine, and there won’t be a dry eye in the house when you’re done.
  • Tell your daughter you love her: this is an obvious one, but sometimes you can get swept up in the details and forget the simple things. Whatever you say in your speech, don’t forget to tell your daughter you love her.
      • Keep it short: weddings are a celebration! So, you don’t want to drone on and on until people are bored stiff. Keep your father of the bride speech to about 10 minutes max – although six to eight minutes is even better.
  • Practice: keeping to time, and making sure your speech feels smooth is hard. Spend some time practising before the big day (and don’t be afraid to keep some cue cards with you if you need them).
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